Young Adulting Review is an online magazine based out of the UBC School of Creative Writing that publishes entertaining and insightful analyses of books for young readers.
Founded in spring 2019, Young Adulting Review publishes reviews of young adult (YA), middle grade (MG), picture books (PB) and new adult (NA) books. We publish a novel and a picture book review each week, a monthly author interview, and a twice-monthly newsletter packed with event information and online articles of interest to the #CanLit #KidLit and #YA communities. In the future, we’ll be branching out to include short fiction for MG and YA readers.
Our contributors are diverse UBC students at all levels of their undergraduate and graduate degrees. The reviews are aimed at discerning teens looking for their next reads, the adults who buy books for them, and scholars and readers of all ages who appreciate fantastic books with compelling stories and great characters. Young Adulting Review is a valuable space for students working in the field of children’s and young adult literature, who want to develop a community of like-minded people, make professional connections, gain publishing experience, and take part in UBC’s creative writing community. We’re always looking for volunteer proofreaders, reviews of recently published books, and #TBT looks at “oldies but goodies” that have endured as classics.
Our particular interests are in recently published books that demonstrate the industry’s growing inclusivity, are by writers and illustrators living in Canada, and expand the notion of what makes excellent writing for young people. To read the work of fellow UBC students, visit, sign up to get new posts delivered to your inbox, follow us on Twitter, and get in touch via the Contact Us page.