Continuing Student Awards
Ronald Jobe Children’s Literature Scholarship
The School of Information has established the Ronald Jobe Children’s Literature Scholarship for students in the Master of Arts in Children’s Literature Program. Dr. Jobe, professor emeritus in the Department of Language and Literacy Education, has been deeply involved in this interdisciplinary children’s literature program. Dr. Jobe established the Children’s Literature Roundtables across Canada, co-ordinated the Serendipity children’s literature conference, and has spent years promoting Canadian children’s literature worldwide, through organizations such as the International Board on Books for Young People, of which he was the first non-European President. Applications are adjudicated by a committee of faculty in the MACL Program, in consultation with School of Information and the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Awards may be up to $2000.
A student enrolled for full-time study in the Master of Arts in Children’s Literature Program who has completed at least 12 credits.
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Academic achievement in courses in literature for children and young adults, taken after enrolling in the Master of Arts in Children’s Literature Program. Contributions to the authorship, scholarship, promotion and dissemination of literature for children.
Application can be found on UBC iSchool website. The application deadline is July 4, 2021.
Graduating Student Awards
Judith Saltman Prize
A $1000 prize is offered annually by friends and colleagues in honour of Judith Saltman to an outstanding student graduating from the Master of Arts in Children’s Literature (MACL). Professor Judith Saltman is recognized internationally as an expert on Canadian children’s literature. In her 33 years as a professor at the UBC iSchool, Judith championed one of the first interdisciplinary degrees by working with colleagues to establish the Master of Arts in Children’s Literature (MACL) and serving as Chair of the Program. The prize is assigned on the basis of academic merit and exceptional promise in the study of children’s literature. The award is made on the recommendation of MACL faculty members and UBC iSchool in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
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MACL Top Graduate Award
This award is offered annually to the MACL graduate with the highest GPA (Graduate Point Average).
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